After you enroll.
After you enroll, you’ll receive a confirmation statement that lists your benefit choices.
Keep in mind
Be sure to review your confirmation statement carefully and contact YBR as soon as possible if anything is incorrect. Call 844-474-6641 to speak with YBR Customer Care Specialists. YBR Customer Service is available Monday through Friday from 5 AM to 6 PM PT.
- Payroll deductions for your benefits will begin with the first paycheck following your enrollment.
- The elections you make during enrollment will remain in effect until December 31, unless you have a qualified life event or become ineligible for benefits. Outside of these qualified events, your next opportunity to make changes to your benefits will be during our benefits Annual Enrollment, which is held in the fall.
If you’re enrolled in a UnitedHealthcare medical plan and you don’t take action, you’ll default to the new Meritain Copay Plan (replaces the $300 Deductible plan) or the new CDHP with HSA plan through Meritain (replaces the Consumer Directed Health Plan (CDHP) with HSA). Your current dependent coverage will carry forward.

Qualified life event.
If you experience a qualified life event (as defined by the IRS), such as getting married or divorced, having or adopting a child, or gaining or losing coverage, you must make changes to your benefits within 30 days by visiting Your Benefits Resources™ (YBR) (@Work) | (Log In).